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Курсы языка фарси в Дубае с Language International
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Курсы языка фарси в Дубае с Language International


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Общий курсы языка фарси

Генеральный курсы языка фарси для взрослых, которые хотят улучшить свои говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма на английском языке. Курсы обычно рассчитаны на возраст от 16 и старше. Есть курсы длительностью от 2 до 48 недель, обычно интенсивные курсы !in !region включает 30 уроков в неделю.

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"Do you know what type of visa the student would need for this course?"

Frida Test, учеников из США
Marina Bubnova, персонал школы PRIVET! Russian Language School
Any official visa works to register, whether residence or visit.
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"The student would like to know whether you would be able to help him get a visa for more than 1 month? Do you know what type of visa he would need? Would he need supporting documents from you?"

Frida Test, учеников из США
Evgeny Sokolov, персонал школы Americana School
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide or process any visas for students. Mr. Jalang would have to check with the UAE embassy / consulate in the country he is in regarding the visa requirements based on his nationality. Visit visas are usually offered at the airport for many nationalities. He will need to check if his nationality is among them. If the UAE visa requires a document proving his enrolment at ALC. We can issue a letter after registration is made and we have received the payment to ensure that he is a student at our centre. This letter may be a supporting document, if the consulate requires and confirms this. We suggest a good and immediate follow-up in case the process took time with the authorities.
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