Core Ski & Snowboard Camp

4-4122 Village Green, Whistler, BC,, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Все курсы

Core Ski & Snowboard Camp предлагает следующие типы курсов:

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  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 1/14
  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 2/14
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  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 6/14
  • Учителя и сотрудники Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 7/14
  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 8/14
  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 9/14
  • Студенты Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 10/14
  • Резиденция, предоставляемая Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 11/14
  • Резиденция, предоставляемая Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 12/14
  • Резиденция, предоставляемая Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 13/14
  • Резиденция, предоставляемая Core Ski & Snowboard Camp 14/14


100% рекомендуют

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"Everything I ever dreamed of for snowboarding in one place."

Andrew Rooley

Where to begin with Core Camps...

The whole experience is unlike anything I have ever had. It is advertised as a snowboard camp, but there is so much more to it than just snowboarding. Most people that attend Core Camps are solo travelers, and you are in shared accommodations with your fellow campers. The scheduled arrival day is Saturday, but you don't start riding until Monday. Your camp experience begins as soon as you type the lock code in the front door of the rider house you are staying at.

For me, this was the biggest thrill of my time at camp. The big unknown of who is going to be on the other side of that door when you open it. I have been to camp twice, and both times I was welcomed instantly and shown around. These people will become much more than just the people you're in camp with. I have made many world wide friends from my two times at camp.

Turner does a great job organizing the riding at camp, making sure to keep the rider:coach ratio as close to 4:1 as possible, leading to lots of great coaching and giving you a chance to get closer and cheer on your fellow group members. The coaches are world class, and when they aren't helping you to better your technique, they are more than happy to show off their professional talents! Also, if your coach is trying to get you to push your limits, to trust their judgement. They know what they are doing, and they won't put you in harms way.

The terrain at Whistler is obviously world class, it is fair to expect lots of powder days. Powder days mean jump days and jump days are the happiest of days. The whole camp escapes and builds a jump with nice natural landing and everyone just works on progressing their freestyle riding.

What else can I say about Core? I have gone twice, and both times were the best snowboarding experience of my life. I now have my third trip with Core booked for this winter and I'm sure it is going to raise the bar one more time.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
1 неделя
Время обучения
4 Mar 2017 - 18 Mar 2017
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Turner Montgomery, Camp owner at Core Ski & Snowboard Camp responded to this review.
15 November 2019

Thank you so much for you wonderful review! We really appreciate it. We're so glad you had such a positive experience with us at our accommodation and on the mountains with our coaches. It's great great reviews/experiences like yours that keep us going. We're thrilled you joined us twice and hopefully you can join us again for third time. Thank you again and see you soon.



Core Camps предлагает следующие типы жилья:

Общежитие - 2-местная комната - Без питания


Rider residence #1

Возрастной диапазон: 16 - 60 лет
Расположение: In the city center of Уистлер
Тип жилья: Общежитие (вне кампуса)
Тип номера: 2-местная комната
Питание: Без питания
Оснащение: Кухня, прачечная, беспроводной доступ в Интернет, бесплатный интернет, тВ-комната, ковровое покрытие, паркет, отопление, и другое
Расстояние до школы: 4 - 5 минут на прогулка
Доступность: 25 ноя 2023 - 06 апр 2024
Дни приезда: суббота, после 03:00
Дни отъезда: суббота, до 10:00
Our Rider Residence #1 is a 5 minute walk to the center of town, shops, our campus and the gondolas.
This beautiful house is fully furnished, has two fully equipped kitchens (pots pans etc) for all of your cooking needs, WIFI, TV, all bedding and a great camp vibe and atmosphere while you live with like-minded people from around the world.

Визовая поддержка

Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.

Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно отправлено обычной почтой на указанный вами адрес.

Перелет и трансфер

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Уистлер based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Туристическая страховка

Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.

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4-4122 Village Green, Whistler, BC,
British Columbia

Расположение школы

Наш кампус расположен в самом центре деревни Уистлер. Мы находимся в нескольких шагах от гондол Уистлер-Блэккомб. Мы окружены магазинами лыж и сноубордов, ресторанами, пабами, барами и остальными полезными вещами в городке Уистлер.


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